Safeguarding Supervision
Ensuring professionals are supported within their job roles as safeguarding leads
What is safeguarding supervision?
A fundamental element of safeguarding supervision is to ensure that professionals are properly supported with their work/job role. Regular meetings for supervision ensures that professionals who safeguard both children and/or adults are doing so effectively, safely, and also adhering to the correct procedures.
Supervision supports professionals and safeguarding leads to effectively manage any complicated feelings, emotions, or decision making queries that arise when conflicting views or concerns may occur.
It is essential that both organisations and safeguarding professionals are able to apply quality and review processes to ensure better outcomes for their service users and colleagues. Irrespective of industry, safeguarding supervision is a necessity for safe working processes and to ensure that safeguarding leads feel fully supported in the challenging work that they do on a daily basis.
What can go wrong when there is no supervision in place?
It is often an issue highlighted in safeguarding practice reviews when poor or no supervision has taken place. Without regular and quality supervision colleagues may fail to adhere to the necessary procedures, fail to fully record any case information, and have less meaningful relationships with their leaders and managers.
They may also at times feel unsafe in their role or overwhelmed and unable to cope. Safeguarding is after all about the prevention of significant harm coming to children and adults at risk and ensuring safe working protocols are in place so it is inevitable that on occasion things can go wrong without oversight and quality processes to manage this.
Our Supervisors have a range of different backgrounds in safeguarding and vast experience in a number of industries and also deliver safeguarding supervision training. Please take a look at our team of consultants on the meet the team page to learn about their experience. All supervisors work to the Morrison 4x4x4 model.
A supervision Agreement will be issued and signed, alongside providing an agenda and then a record of supervision will be forwarded to your organisation within 5 working days of the supervision session taking place. All supervision services can be offered at a minimum of 12 months for 2 hours per month or on a bi-monthly basis.
What are the benefits of having supervision in place?
Safeguarding leads will feel more confident and challenged as a professional.
Supervision enables a safeguarding lead to develop their skills and knowledge and identify positives and good practice including how to foster a culture of safety.
Protected time is offered regularly to reflect on practice.
The lead will have access to regular support for their well-being, emotions, capacity, and be able to develop additional coping strategies and resilience.
It provides an opportunity to discuss how they feel about complex issues or challenging and emotive situations.
It provides a regular quality review of workload, capacity, and time management for both the individual and the organisation.
Professionals can seek guidance on specific issues/cases, review action plans, and ensure timely responses.
It provides a fresh view to discuss any challenges, intolerances, or frustrations.
It allows for issues relating to the workplace and to working practices to be identified and discussed including safer working practice and professional boundaries.
It provides an opportunity where a professional can be challenged in a supportive manner and offered constructive advice.
It enables an opportunity for creative thinking, reflection, and solution focussed thinking.
Provides an opportunity to discuss CPD/training needs in relation to the safeguarding role.
Choose a package that works for you and your organisation:
Package 1
Organisational Safeguarding Support- Critical Friend advice
Ad hoc access to expertise, advice, and guidance via telephone/email/teams for complex cases or operational/strategic queries during any normal working day/hours.
Being informed with up-to-date knowledge and information on political, legislative, national, and local guidance.
Access to a network of additional Safeguarding experts.
Package 2
Safeguarding Supervision
A 1.5 hour supervision session held on either a monthly or bi-monthly basis depending on need.
An opportunity to discuss live safeguarding cases or complex issues (children and/or adults).
Delivered in group or 1-1 session format. (This can be bespoke to your organisation).
Being informed with up-to-date knowledge and information on political, legislative, national, and local guidance.
Access to a network of additional Safeguarding experts.
Package 3
Organisational Safeguarding Support- Critical Friend advice + Safeguarding Supervision
Combine both Package 1 and 2 to give you the full RLB Safeguarding Supervision service.
Contact us now for a free consultation to discuss your supervision needs and our bespoke packages of support. We are here to help!
Book an appointment with Rachael Bishop at: