National Apprenticeships Week

This week it's National Apprenticeships Week!

From 6th-12th February 2023 it is a week to celebrate the wonderful world of apprenticeships and the people that work or learn within the industry.

The apprenticeships industry is extremely important to us at RLB Safeguardingas we know it can be a challenge to implement effective safeguarding for people of different ages within a work-based learning environment. It is our passion to support the industry and we have worked with many training providers and colleges across the years doing just that!

Given that his week is a busy one for awareness and celebration days we thought it best to write a blog that encompasses as much information as possible for the apprenticeships world in relation to safeguarding people. This information can also be useful to any provider, employer, or organisation.

So, not only are we celebrating apprenticeships this week, It is also Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week

The agenda serves to raise awareness and to provide individuals and organisations to raise the profile. If you wish to get involved you can use the hashtag #itsnotok

Sexual abuse and sexual violence can happen to anyone and can have a significant and detrimental impact on a person’s wellbeing, physical and mental health.

Sexual violence and abuse can include, but is not limited to:

  • Rape

  • Child sexual abuse

  • Sexual assault

  • Sexual abuse (this includes being pressurised or coerced into sexual activity you do not want to do)

  •  Sexual exploitation

  • Image-based sexual abuse (non-consensual creation and/or distribution of private, sexual images and videos)

  • Grooming for sexual purposes

  • Female genital mutilation

  • Sexual harassment, both online and offline.

Source- Support for victims of sexual violence and abuse - GOV.UK (

It is important to acknowledge the current risks regarding the online world and how children, young people, and adults can be targeted and ‘groomed’ by perpetrators pretending to be someone else. There are many risks within the gaming world, social media, internet chat rooms, online dating apps, and other means for contact.

This week also brings us Safer Internet Day which is today, the 7th of February 2023! To promote more awareness you can use the hashtag  #SaferInternetDay

Use of the internet and technology is a part of our everyday lives however with the wonderful opportunity of the online world it can also bring about significant risks and dangers. 

Within the world of apprenticeships and work-based learning, we have a duty of care to ensure that learner safety is paramount when considering online safety. It is essential that providers educate learners to develop the skills they need to keep themselves safe, secure, and to also behave appropriately when using technology in any setting. 

There is usually an expectation that young people and adults should be aware of online risks and know how to keep themselves safe however the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many additional risks, for example an increase in exposure to extremist content, gambling, phishing scams, online abuse and cyberbullying.

So what can training providers and employers do to ensure that these safeguarding risks are mitigated wherever possible? Here are our RLB top tips for the apprenticeships world:

  1. Ensure you have a fully comprehensive Safeguarding and Prevent policy that includes potential risks that could affect an apprentice including staff safer recruitment and appropriate checking guidance.

  2. Make sure learners know how to raise a concern is they have or are being abused or exploited in any way. Having a point of contact to speak with if needed.

  3. Adopt a zero tolerance approach to any form of abuse, bullying or harassment and continue to spread awareness about these topics throughout the organisation.

  4. Working in partnership with employers and apprenticeship provision is essential. We can increase positive outcomes by sharing information, good practice and providing educational development opportunities.

  5. Embed learning into a person's personal development regarding risks within the learning environment and within the workplace to ensure learners understand potential risks and how to raise a concern if they have one.

  6. Ensure online safety is a priority and this should be reflected in all policies, procedures, and online systems that include remote learning or working from home arrangements.

  7. Consider additional risks such as peers being abused by other peers (child-on child abuse or peer-on-peer abuse).

  8. Risk assess situations and complete safety checks appropriately.

  9. Promote fundamental values such as democracy, equality, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

  10. Ensure staff have regular training.

  11. Involve parents and carers where required or able.

  12. Have an attitude of 'it could happen here' as stated in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022.

If you would like to discuss your organisation's safeguarding needs then why not book a free consultation with RLB? Book here for your initial discussion and we will be happy to help!

Did you know that because of our passion for the apprenticeships world, RLB will also be exhibiting at the Annual Apprenticeships Conference on 12th and 13th March 2023 in Birmingham? If you are attending then be sure to pop along and say hello to us at our stand! 

Resources and support information

Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence:

Government Guidance-


Victim Support- Home - Victim Support


Online Safety:

Government Guidance- 


Safer Internet- 

Internet Watch Foundation- 


Why implement a safeguarding policy?